Preparing for your global health experience


Make sure you have all vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis, and meds you need. Your program director will provide the requirements specific to your trip.

Safety and Security

  1. Follow advice of GW Office of International Operations and Pre-departure safety lecture at all times.
  2. Do not leave the facility alone. If you want to walk at night go with at least one other person and notify faculty team leader.
  3. Do not give money or personal items to anyone
  4. Do not wear conspicuous jewelry or watches 
  5. Avoid speaking about political views
  6. Stay hydrated!!


HIPPA and patient privacy – the policies regarding privacy and confidentiality are no different when travelling abroad. Respect the decision of patients and members of the community who do not want to be photographed, ALWAYS ask permission!  [link to GW Nursing policy]