Open Educational Resources
GW School of Nursing is pleased to share this collection of Open Educational Resources (OERs) for use by nurse educators worldwide. These interactive multimedia learning materials are outcomes of several grant-funded research projects sponsored by the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), including the Advanced Nursing Education, Geriatric Education using a Palliative Care Framework (GEPaC), and the Teaching and Transforming through Technology (T3) projects.
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- Affirmative and Inclusive Healthcare for Gender Diverse Patients
This three-part module series addresses a range of topics around providing care for gender-diverse patients. The series defines key terms to help learners understand how to utilize gender-inclusive language, discusses the role of advanced practice nurses in caring for gender diverse patients seeking mental health care, and explores the diagnosis of gender dysphoria in adolescents and children as well as key considerations when treating gender dysphoria and co-morbid mental health conditions.
- American Federalism in Health Policy
This American Federalism in Health Policy module explores the question of Federalism from a health policy perspective. It defines the concept of Federalism as it relates to health policy, recommends control structures for a given health policy issue, and teaches learners to defend their recommendation of control structure based on policy, operational, and ideological grounds.
- Clinical Compliance
The Clinical Compliance series of modules provides a clinical compliance orientation for new Bachelor of Science in Nursing students to help prepare them for skills lab and clinical rotations.
Author: Patricia Davis
- Clinical Simulation MOOC
This 7-week course provides you with key strategies to help understand the foundation of Clinical Simulations. During each module, you will learn about 7 key components of Clinical Simulation Across the Health Professions and its' impact in your current position as a healthcare professional.
- Communication in Quality & Safety
This online scenario highlights communication problems that can affect quality and safety in nursing care.
Author: Patricia Davis
- The Digital Research Challenge
This case-based learning activity walks learners through the steps of the digital research process, including exploring resources, evaluating sources, summarizing main ideas, synthesizing main ideas, revisiting a query and checking copyright.
Authors: Elaine Sullo & Samer Aleem
- E-empathy: How to Convey Empathy in Goals of Care Conversations using Telehealth for Persons with Kidney Disease
The E-empathy module explores the unique issues that persons with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. It strives to describe the way in which providers can build or block relationships in telehealth and identify best practices in displaying empathy in goals of care conversations using telehealth visits.
- Faculty Innovations - Educational Interventions
GW Nursing, which has taught online for its entire ten-year history, is making these simulation resources available to nursing educators. The psychiatric-mental health virtual clinical experience is geared toward B.S.N. students, while the other exercises are designed for graduate students. The faculty authors of these exercises will record podcasts for Nurse Educator. Once available, GW Nursing will make the podcasts available to supplement these materials.
- Fit for Academic Success
The Fit for Academic Success module includes five interactive, multimedia lessons focused on the following topic areas: learning strategies and time management, academic writing, managing technology challenges, basic research concepts, and using library resources. There is also an ESL module built into this resource for students entering the program for whom English is a second language.
- Interprofessional Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions
Supported by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Interprofessional Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions (IPCMCC) modules will prepare you to work in interprofessional teams to foster self-management by patients with multiple chronic conditions through the application of proven coaching strategies. The ICPMCC materials focus on working within an interprofessional collaborative practice in outpatient settings, with an emphasis on coaching to enhance patient engagement and improve patient self-management skills.
- Learning in a New Language: Success in Health Care
This Success in Health Care module is intended for students who speak English as a second language (ESL), or who are new to American schools. In addition, this module will also help all students, as nursing is a challenging academic program and students often find they need to adjust their educational styles and skills to succeed.
Author: Jacqueline Wavelet
- Medication Administration (Case Study)
In this case-based learning activity, learners meet Jeremiah Valentine, a patient who is experiencing medication-related difficulties. After hearing his chief complaint and exploring his medical history, learners review his medications to identify the problem(s).
Author: Patricia Davis
- Medical Terminology
This module provides an overview of medical terminology related to different body systems as part of an orientation for new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students.
Author: Whitney Shanley
- Nurses on the Frontline: Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters
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This interactive learning module teaches nurses a critical thinking framework that can be applied to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNE) events as well as natural disasters. Learners practice applying new knowledge and skills through video decision-making scenarios.
- Nurse Practitioner Technology Enhanced Community Health (NP-TECH)
Supported by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, the NP-TECH curriculum is designed to teach healthcare practitioners to provide socio-culturally sensitive care for underserved populations using digital health technologies.
- Pediatrics: Developmental Stages
In this interactive module, learners explore biological, motor, psychosocial, cognitive and social development stages, including infant, toddler, preschool, school age and adolescence.
Author: Gretchen Wiersma
- Vaccine Law and Policy
In this course, students will learn about the fundamental role of vaccines as a tool intended to improve public health and how this influences policy. Topics covered include vaccine regulation and monitoring; equity and access; individual decision-making; vaccine refusal and hesitation; advocacy and awareness- raising; and various state, federal, and organizational vaccine mandates. These mandates touch every sphere of personal and public life, including work, education, leisure activities, politics, and how healthcare practitioners interact with patients. Understanding vaccine policy will facilitate decision-making in these settings.
In this interactive module, learners explore biological, motor, psychosocial, cognitive and social development stages, including infant, toddler, preschool, school age and adolescence.
Author: Gretchen Wiersma