Winners of the 2024 GW Nursing Faculty & Staff Excellence Awards

May 30, 2024

School of Nursing Faculty & Staff Excellence Awards 2024

On Wednesday, May 15, the GW School of Nursing hosted its annual Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards Celebration. The brunch time event took place at GW’s City View Room and was punctuated by wonderful food and collegial conversations, and gave attendees an opportunity to honor the winners of this year’s Faculty & Staff Excellence Awards. Check out this year's awardees below!

2024 Awardees posing in stairwell with awards

Faculty Awards

Civility Award

Billy Mullins, Clinical Assistant Professor

The Civility Award recognizes a faculty member who cultivates and nurtures positive relations among and between faculty, staff and students, who promotes an environment where individuals feel safe and supported and whose words and actions reflect respect and responsibility for a humane workplace.

Excellence in Faculty Mentorship

Laurie Theeke, Associate Dean for Ph.D. Program

The Excellence in Faculty Mentorship Award recognizes a senior faculty member (associate professor/professor) who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to faculty mentoring through their work with junior and mid-career faculty to foster their development and success.

Excellence in Graduate Student Mentorship

Karen Kesten, Program Director of DNP Scholarly Projects

Excellence in Graduate Teaching

Laurie Wilson, Research Instructor

Excellence in Research & Scholarship

Cathi Cox, VBSN Initiatives Coordinator

The Excellence in Research & Scholarship Award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship in a specific project or activity.

Excellence in Teaching by a Part-Time Faculty

Mary Doyle, Adjunct Faculty

Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Diana Lora, Clinical Instructor

Impact Award

Crystel Farina, Associate Dean for B.S.N. Programs

The Impact Award recognizes a faculty member who has made exceptional and sustained contributions to advance the School of Nursing.


Janet Radzykewycz, Clinical Assistant Professor

The DAISY Award recognizes a faculty member who serves as a role model of professional nursing. The also meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Serve as a role model of professional nursing
  • Demonstrate enthusiasm for teaching, learning and nursing that inspires and motivates
  • Demonstrate interest in and respect for learners
  • Is fair and unbiased in his/her treatment of individual students
  • Use personal attributes (e.g., caring, confidence, patience, integrity and flexibility) that facilitate learning
  • Show extraordinary interpersonal skills


Staff Awards

Citizenship Award

Ioana Hojda Temoka, Assistant Director of Admissions

The Citizenship Award recognizes a staff member who cultivates and nurtures positive relations among and between faculty, staff and students, who promotes an environment where individuals feel safe and supported and whose words and actions reflect respect and responsibility for a humane workplace.

Civility Award

David Mossinger, Senior Instructional Technologist

The Civility Award recognizes a staff member who is an active participant in GW Nursing initiatives and events and finds ways to contribute; demonstrates behaviors that promote the school's values; and is an engaged community member striving to make the SON a better place.

Impact Award

Chelsea Durbin, Director of Enrollment Management

The Impact Award recognizes a staff member who has made exceptional contributions toward effectiveness and efficiency in the workplace, including implementing innovative approaches to improving productivity or developing cost-saving plans.

Service Award

Brian Mishoe, Simulation Technology Administrator

The Service Award recognizes a staff member who through their dedication, resourcefulness, and commitment to excellence provides outstanding support and service on behalf of GW Nursing; fosters and atmosphere of collaboration, cooperation, and creativity; and regularly exhibits a willingness to help others above and beyond normal duties.

Unsung Hero Award

Tina Le, Academic Affairs Manager

The Unsung Hero Award recognizes a staff member who has positively impacted GW Nursing from behind the scenes with a positive attitude, a willingness to help in whatever capacity necessary, and demonstrates a commitment to excellence. This award will be given to a staff member who does not serve in a supervisory capacity within GW Nursing.