News Archive

With as many students and faculty active in education, practice, policy and research as we have at GW Nursing, it can be difficult to capture all of their stories. These are just some examples of the work going on here — work done by dedicated students and top-tier faculty alike — that help this school continue to grow and flourish.

GW Nursing welcomes Dr. Janice J. Hoffman as Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

July 6, 2017

GW Nursing Dean Pamela Jeffries is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Janice J. Hoffman as professor and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.  

Dr. Carol Braungart is GW Nursing's new FNP Program Director

July 6, 2017

Dr. Carol F. Braungart is joining GW Nursing as an assistant professor and Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program director. She will oversee one of the largest FNP programs in the nation.

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Improving health care education through simulation

June 24, 2017

As part of their commitment to strengthening partnerships and creating new collaborations to improve health care education and delivery, GW Nursing faculty and students this week shared their health care simulation expertise with learners on both ends of the education spectrum. Both high school students and experienced nurse educators visited GW Nursing’s Virginia Science & Technology Campus for simulation-centered immersive experiences.

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Teaching Health Policy

June 14, 2017

GW Nursing Professor joins International Council of Nurses for conference in Spain

June 10, 2017

Dr. Karen Dawn attended the International Council of Nurses conference in Barcelona, Spain, from May 27 through June 1. She joined more than 8,000 nurses from hundreds of nations to focus on nurses' roles in strengthening health care globally. 

Congratulations to GW Nursing's newest Fellow

June 8, 2017

GW Nursing congratulates Dr. Mayri Leslie on her induction to the American College of Nurse-Midwives May 22 in Chicago during the organization's annual meeting. 

GW Nursing Professor publishes "groundbreaking" book

May 25, 2017

In what’s been referred to as “groundbreaking” work, GW Nursing’s Dr. Kimberly Acquaviva published a handbook for hospice and palliative care professionals who want to enhance the inclusiveness of their care.