Richard Ricciardi

Richard Ricciardi
Associate Dean, Clinical Practice & Community Engagement | Executive Director, Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement
Department: Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement
Dr. Richard Ricciardi is a Professor and Associate Dean for Clinical Practice & Community Engagement at The George Washington University School of Nursing. Professor Ricciardi also serves as the Executive Director for The Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement at The George Washington University.
Before his current faculty appointment at The George Washington University, Professor Ricciardi served as the Director of the Division of Practice Improvement and the Senior Advisor for Nursing at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. At the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Professor Ricciardi's research focused on primary care practice improvement in the areas of team-based care, quality and safety, and the management of patients with complex needs, including those with multiple chronic conditions, mental health conditions, and opioid and alcohol use disorder.
Professor Ricciardi served on active duty in the United States Army for 31 years, where he held numerous positions as a nurse practitioner, clinical scientist, and senior leader. Professor Ricciardi also had the privilege of serving on the board of directors of multiple professional associations and organizations and is honored to have served as president of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and currently serves on the board of directors for the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Alongside these roles, Professor Ricciardi continues to offer primary care services as a nurse practitioner at Mercy Health Clinic, focusing on uninsured and underserved communities.
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Nursing and Human Physical Performance
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences - Post-Master’s Adult and Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate, Adult and Family Nurse Practitioner
- University of Maryland at Baltimore - Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.), Nurse Practitioner with a focus on Adolescent/Young Adult
- United States Army – Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center - Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certificate, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- State University of New York – Downstate Medical Center, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.), Nursing
- Walsh, H., Theeke, L. A., Ricciardi, R., Ackerman-Barger, K., Inouye, A. J., Cox, C. W., & McNelis, A. M. (2025). Racial microaggressions in nursing: "We have a long way to go". Nursing outlook, 73(2), 102347. Advance online publication.
- Mason, D. J., & Ricciardi, R. (2025). Elevating Nurses' Voices as Experts in Health and Healthcare. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 55(1), 1–2.
- Mason, D. J., Glickstein, B., Begley, R., Hancock, B. J., Drenkard, K., & Ricciardi, R. (2025). Nurses' Voices in Media: Strategies for Chief Nursing Officers. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 55(1), 7–13.
- Kim, H. J., Griffith, K. A., Ricciardi, R., Le, D., Glenn, A., Cameron, V., & Juon, H.-S. (2024). Exploring disparities in healthcare utilization, cancer care experience, and beliefs about cancer among Asian and Hispanic cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 32(11), 756.
- Kuebler, K., Monroe, T., Ricciardi, R., Westlake, C., Sorenson, M., Pederson, J., Neft, M., Mitchell, S. A., Daniel, K., De Santo-Madeya, S., Renda, S., Henneman, E., & Bruera, E. (2024). Integration of palliative care in the management of multiple chronic conditions: An expert consensus paper with policy implications. Nursing Outlook, 72(6), 102273. Advance online publication.
- Arends, R., Austin-Ketch, T., Covelli, A. F., Davis, L., Hallas, D., Kalmakis, K., Kirkland-Kyhn, H., Melillo, K. D., O'Reilly-Jacob, M., Parish, A., Rawlett, K., Ricciardi, R., Tracy, C., Winkelman, C., & Whitehouse, C. (2024). American Association of Nurse Practitioners Research Agenda, 2023-2028. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 36(5), 257–261.
- Yang, YT., Ricciardi, R., & Fry-Bowers, E. (2023). From training to trapping: The paradox of training repayment agreements in nursing. Health Affairs Forefront, November 7, 2023.
- Ricciardi, R. (2023). The roadmap to universal healthcare: Grit and fortitude. The Nurse Practitioner, 48(10), 6-7.
- Hancock, B., Ricciardi, R., Drenkard, K., & Begley, R. (2023). Training for Nurse Executives to Amplify the Voice of Nursing: AONL and George Washington University Partner on Pilot Program. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 53(4), 185-186.
- Ricciardi, R. (2021). Perspectives: Envisioning healthcare quality and safety in 2030. Journal of Research in Nursing, 26(1-2):168-175.
- Ricciardi, R. (2021). Perspectives: Envisioning healthcare quality and safety in 2030. Journal of Research in Nursing, 26(1-2):168-175.
- Naegle, M. A., Finnell, D. S., Kaplan, L., Herr, K., Ricciardi, R., Reuter-Rice, K, Oerther S, & Van Hook P. (2020). Opioid crisis through the lens of social justice. Nursing Outlook, 68(5), 678-681.
- Klopper, H. C., Madigan, E., Vlasich, C., Albien, A., Ricciardi, R., Catrambone, C., & Tigges, E. (2020). Advancement of global health: Recommendations from the global advisory panel on the future of nursing & midwifery (GAPFON(R)). Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(2), 741-748.
- Montori, V. M., Hargraves, I., McNellis, R. J., Ganiats, T. G., Genevro, J., Miller, T., Ricciardi, R., & Bierman, A. S. (2019). The care and learn model: A practice and research model for improving healthcare quality and outcomes. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34(1), 154-158.
- Ricciardi, R., & Shofer, M. (2018). Moving patient safety into ambulatory settings and beyond. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 33(3), 195-199.
- Nix, M., McNamara, P., Genevro, J., Vargas, N., Mistry, K., Fournier, A., Shofer, M., Lomotan, E., Miller, T., Ricciardi, R., & Bierman, A. S. (2018). Learning collaboratives: Insights and a new taxonomy from AHRQ’s two decades of experience. Health Affairs, 37(1), 205-212.
- Ricciardi R. (2018). The next frontier for nurses: Improving quality and safety in primary care. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 33(1), 1-4.
- Shoemaker, S. J., Parchman, M. L., Fuda, K. K., Schaefer, J., Levin, J., Hunt, M., & Ricciardi, R. (2016). A review of instruments to measure interprofessional team-based primary care. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-10.
- Schottenfeld, L., Petersen, D., Peikes, D., Ricciardi, R., Burak, H., McNellis, R., & Genevro, J. (2016). Creating patient-centered team-based primary care. AHRQ Pub. No. 16-0002-EF.
- Ricciardi, R., Moy, E., & Wilson, N. J. (2016). Finding the true north: Lessons from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 31(1), 9-12.
- Basu, J., Avila, R., & Ricciardi, R. (2015). Hospital readmission rates in U.S. States: Are readmissions higher where more patients with multiple chronic conditions cluster? Health Services Research, Jun;51(3):1135-51.
- Ricciardi, R. (2015). AHRQ focuses on ambulatory patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 30(3), 193-196.
- Brady, P. J., Battles, J. B., & Ricciardi, R. (2015). Teamwork: what health care has learned from the military. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 30(1), 3-6.
- Sally Okun, S., Schoenbaum, S. C., Andrews, D., Chidambaran, V. C., Gruman, J., Leal, S., Lown, B. A., Mitchell, P. H., Parry, C., Prins, W., Ricciardi, R., Simon, M.A., Stock, R., Strasser, D. C., Webb, C. E.,Wynia, M. K. & Henderson, D. (2014). Patients and health care teams forging effective partnerships. Institute of Medicine Discussion Paper.
- Miller, R., Weaver, L. K., Bahraini, N., Churchill, S., Price, R.C., Skiba, V., Caviness, J., Mooney, S., Hetzell, B., Liu, J., Deru, K., Ricciardi, R., Fracisco, S., Close, N. C., Surrett, G. W., Bartos, C., Ryan, M., & Brenner, L. A. (2014). Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on symptoms and quality of life among service members with persistent postconcussion symptoms: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine. Jan;175(1):43-52.
- Grembowski, D., Schaefer, J., Johnson, K. E., Fischer, H., Moore, S. L., Tai-Seale, M., Ricciardi, R., Frazier, J. R., Miller, D., & Leroy, L. (2014). A conceptual model of the role of complexity in the care of patients with multiple chronic conditions. Medical Care, 52 Suppl 3, S7-S14.
- James, K. A., Fernald, D. H., Huff, J., Ross, S., Staton, E. W., West, D., & Ricciardi, R. (2014). GAPS in implementing health assessments in primary care: A literature review. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 37(1), 2-10.
- Timbie, W. J., Ringel, J. S., Fox, S., Pillemer, F., Waxman, D., Moore, M., Ricciardi, R., Hansen, C., Knebel, A. R., & Kellerman, A. L. (2013). Systematic review of strategies to manage and allocate scarce resources during mass casualty events. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 61(6), 677-689.
- Padden, D. L., Connors, R. A., Posey, S. M., Ricciardi, R., & Agazio, J. G. (2013). Factors influencing a health promoting lifestyle in spouses of active duty military. Health Care for Women International, 34(8), 674-693.
- Duncan, A. D., Liechty, J. M., Miller, C., Chinoy, G., & Ricciardi, R. (2011). Employee use and perceived benefit of a complementary and alternative medicine wellness clinic at a major military hospital: Evaluation of a pilot program. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(9), 1-7.
- Weld, K. K., Padden, D., Ricciardi, R., & Bibb, S. C. (2009). Health literacy rates in a sample of active duty military personnel. Military Medicine, 174(11), 1137-1143.
- Ricciardi, R., Metter, E. J., Cavanaugh, E. W., Ghambaryan, A., & Talbot, L. A. (2009).
- Predicting cardiovascular risk using measures of regional and total body fat. Applied Nursing Research, 22(1), 2-9.
- Ricciardi, R., Deuster, P. A., & Talbot, L. A. (2008). Metabolic demands of body armor on physical performance in simulated conditions. Military Medicine, 173(9), 817-824.
- Ricciardi, R. (2008). The first pelvic examination in the adolescent: An update. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 4(5), 377-383.
- Ricciardi, R., Szabo, C. M., & Poullos, A. Y. (2007). Sexuality and spinal cord injury. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42(4), 675-684.
- Ricciardi, R., Deuster, P. A., & Talbot, L. A. (2007). Effects of gender and body adiposity on physiological responses to physical work while wearing body armor. Military Medicine, 172(7), 743-748.
- Ricciardi, R., & Talbot, L. A. (2007). Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis in the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of overweight and obesity. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 19(5), 235-241.
- Ricciardi, R. (2005). Sedentarism: a concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 40(3), 79-87.
- Liguori, R., Ricciardi, R., Jones, D. C., & Kohr, L. (2005). The 40-year story of PNP caregiving — still being written. Contemporary Pediatrics, 22(8), 56-70.
- Aberle, C. J., Bethards, K. J., Orsega, S. M., & Ricciardi, R. (2003). Designing a medical humanitarian assistance course for advanced practice nurses in the uniformed services. Military Medicine, 168(9), 729-732.
- Gibbons, S. W., Adamo, G., Padden, D., Ricciardi, R., Graziano, M., Levine, E., et al. (2002). Clinical evaluation in advanced practice nursing education: Using standardized patients in Health Assessment. Journal of Nursing Education, 41(5), 215-221.
- Ricciardi, R. (2000). First pelvic examination in the adolescent. Nurse Practitioner Forum, 11(3), 161-169.
- Ricciardi, R. (1995). Adolescent sexuality: Is military life in Europe any different. Journal of the U.S. Army Medical Department, PB 8-95(1/2), 28-31.
Faculty Distinctions
- Fellow Ad Eundem Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
- Fellow American Academy of Nursing
- Fellow American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Honors and Awards
- Volunteer of the Year award from Montgomery County
- NIH Directors Award for contributions to the Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee and authoring of the National Pain Strategy (2015)
- RADM Julia R. Plotnick Publication Award for Health/Nursing Policy; Publication in 2014: A conceptual model of the role of complexity in the care of patients with multiple chronic conditions. Medical Care, 52 Suppl 3, S7-S14. (2015)
- Editor’s Award for the most highly cited manuscript in the journal from 2007-2010: Publication in 2007: Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis in the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of overweight and obesity. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 19(5), 235-241. (2011)
- Excellence in Nursing Research Award, Military Health System Conference, for research and policy implications on the impact of body armor on the physical performance of military personnel in simulated combat conditions (2008)
- Outstanding Research Podium Presentation, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners National Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana (2007)
- Board of Regents Award, Uniformed Services University of the Health Science (2006)
- Distinguished Ph.D. Graduate, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and recipient of the Military Officers Association of America Outstanding Student Award (2006)
- Awarded the “9A” designator by the United States Army Medical Department. This is the highest professional award granted by the United States Army Medical Department and the Army Nurse Corps (2004)
- Outstanding Uniformed Faculty Member Award, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Graduate School of Nursing (2001)
- Outstanding Nurse, Landstuhl Army Medical Center (1993)
Committees and Professional Activities
- AcademyHealth 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair of Clinical Track (2018)
- AcademyHealth 10th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair of Clinical Track (2017)
- AcademyHealth 9th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair of Clinical Track (2016)
- AcademyHealth 8th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair of Clinical Track (2015)
- AHRQ/AcademyHealth Research Conference, Conference Planning Committee (2015)
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Institutional Review Board (2014-Present)
- Technical Advisory Panel Member, HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Publication on Understanding Disparities in Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions (2013-2016)
- Department of Health and Human Services, Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (2012-Present)
- Department of Health and Human Services, Interagency Adolescent Health Working Group (2012-Present)
- Treasurer and Executive Committee Member, Fellows Program, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (2011-2016)
- National Academy of Medicine, Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Healthcare, Best Practices Innovation Collaborative (2010-Present)
- Department of Health and Human Services, Interagency Multiple Chronic Conditions Workgroup (2011-2015)
- Board of Directors, Building Corporation, Sigma Theta Tau International (2011-2015)
- Board of Directors, Army Distaff Foundation (2009-2011)
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Institutional Review Board (2007-2010)
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center Institutional Review Board (2006-2010)
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Nominations Committee (2006-2010)
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Steering Committee, Lecture Series on the Future of Primary Care (2005-2006)
- Scientific Committee, 35th International Congress on Military Medicine (2004)
- Department of Health and Human Services, National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism (2003-2004)
- Graduate School of Nursing Dean Search Committee, Graduate School of Nursing, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (2002)
- Admissions Committee, Graduate School of Nursing, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (2000-2002)
- Accreditation Committee, Graduate School of Nursing, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (2000-2002)
- Public Relations Committee, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (1995-2000)
- Task Force on Teen Pregnancy, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (1994-1996)
Professional Affiliations
- American Nurses Association
- American Academy of Nursing
- National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners
- Military Officers Association of America
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- Ambulatory Care
- Primary Health Care
- Veteran / Military Health
- Health Policy