Majeda El-Banna

Majeda El-Banna headshot

Majeda El-Banna


Associate Professor (Tenured)


Office Phone: 571-553-0226
Innovation Hall (School of Nursing) 45085 University Drive, 201G Ashburn VA 20147

Majeda El-Banna is a Tenured Associate Professor and Vice Dean. Dr. El-Banna's leadership and research to advance nursing education and enhance student outcomes are focused on development, improvement and implementation of innovative teaching pedagogies through evidence-based research. Her sustained contribution is shifting the classroom environment from teacher-driven to student-centered learning by using pedagogical models that require higher-order reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Her unique scholarly contribution to nursing education is well recognized, nationally and internationally.

Dr. El-Banna is an American Nurse Educator Fellow (ANEF) and a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE). She is a Subject Matter Expert Reviewer for the Quality Matters program. Dr. El-Banna has received the GW Bender Teaching Award and the GW School of Nursing Graduate Teaching Award. Her education research has been funded by the school, university, and foundation. Dr. El-Banna serves on a number of professional organization committees, including the National League of Nursing, American Nurses Association, Eastern Nursing Research Society, Washington Regional Nursing Research Consortium, and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. She was elected by popular vote as a Governor-At-Large for the National League for Nursing (NLN), 2021-2024.

  • University of Nebraska Medical Center, Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (2004)
  • University of Jordan, Master of Science in Nursing Education (1998)
    • Focus in Adult Health Nursing
  • University of Jordan, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (1992)
  • Alrimawi, I., El-Banna, M. M., O’Reilly, C., & Muhammad, K. (2024). Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing Simulation and Clinical. Teaching and Learning in Nursing.
  • Beebe, S. L., McNelis, A. M., El-Banna, M. M. Dreifuerst, K. T., & Zhou, P. (2024). Nailing the Diagnosis: Using Screen-Based Simulation to Improve Factors of Diagnostic Reasoning in Family Nurse Practitioner Education. Clinical Simulation in Nursing.
  • Kim, H. J., Sessions, L., Jung, S. J., Song, J.-E., Farina, C. L., & El-Banna, M. M. (2024). Psychological Safety in Simulation and Psychological Intrinsic Factors Among Korean Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 89.
  • Sessions, L. C., Kim, H. J., Brewer, K. C., El-Banna, M. M., & Farina, C. L. (2024). Intrinsic Factors and Psychological Safety Among Nursing Students During Simulation-Based Learning-A Correlational Design. Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Medical Simulation. DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000795 
  • Beebe, S., McNelis, A, El-Banna, M.M., Dreifuerst, K. (2024). Reflecting on Diagnosis: The Metacognitive Diagnostic Reasoning Model©, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
  • Bussard, M. E., Jessee, M. A., El-Banna, M. M., Cantrell, M. A., Alrimawi, I., Marchi, N. M., Gonzalez, L. I., Rischer, K., Coy, M. L., Poledna, M. & Lavoie, P. (2024). Current practices for assessing clinical judgment in nursing students and new graduates: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 134(106078), 1-11.
  • Alshawish, I., El-Banna, M., & Alrimawi, I. (2021). Comparison of Blended Versus Traditional Classrooms among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Nurse Education Today, November 106, 105049.
  • Kesten, K., & El-Banna, M. (2021) Strategies to Re-Envision DNP Projects to Meet Organization Goals during A Pandemic. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Feb Vol 52, No 2, 2021 (61-63) doi:10.3928/00220124-20210114-03
  • Kesten, K & El-Banna, M.M. (2021). Facilitators, barriers, benefits, and funding to implement postgraduate nurse practitioner residency/ fellowship programs CE Test (1 CEU) Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners: Aug33(8): p 618-619 DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000641
  • Kesten, K & El-Banna, M.M. (2021). Facilitators, Barriers, Benefits, and Funding to Implement Postgraduate Nurse Practitioner Residency/Fellowship Programs. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP). Aug 33(8) 611-617 (Ahead of print 2020 Apr ) DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000412
  • Kesten, K, El-Banna M.M, & Blakely, J. (Ahead of print November, 2019 Published February 2021). Educational characteristics and content of postgraduate nurse practitioner residency/fellowship programs. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP). 33(2):126-132, DOI: 10.1097/JXX.000000000000034
  • Gnilka, B., El-Banna, M.M, & Morgan, M. (2020) Communication-Focused Training Improves Nurses’ Confidence During Peer to-Peer Review. ViewPoint: The official publication of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. March/April Vol.42(2), pp.3-6. Note: 1.3 continuing nursing education credit can be earned for completing the learning activity associated with this article.
  • Leslie, M.S., Park, J., Briggs, L.A., El-Banna, M.M, Greene, J. (Online April 2020). Is Anemia in Low Income Pregnant Women Related to Their Infants’ Having Anemia? A Cohort Study of Pregnant Women-Infant Pairs in the United States. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Online Access
  • Taft, S.H., Kesten, K., & El-Banna, M.M. (September 2019). One size does not fit all: Toward an evidence-based framework for determining online course enrollment size in higher education. Online Learning Journal, 23(3), 188-233. DOI:
  • El-Banna M.M, Whitlow M, & McNelis AM. (January/February 2020) Improving pharmacology standardized test and final examination scores through team-based learning. Nurse Educator. Vol.45(1), pp.47-50.DOI: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000671 [Epub ahead of print April 23,2019]
  • Schwartz, L., El-Banna, M.M, Conroy, J. & Browne, J. (ahead of print Feb 2018; Jan/Feb 2019). What's your style? Enhanced interprofessional communication and practice using the communication wheel. Nurse Educator, 44(1).
  • Greene, J., El-Banna, M.M, Briggs, L., & Park, J. (2017). Gender differences in nurse practitioner salaries, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP), 29 (11), 667–672.
  • El-Banna, M.M, Whitlow, M., & McNelis, A.M. (2017). Flipping around the classroom: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing students' satisfaction and achievement. Nurse Education Today. 56, 41-46.
  • Kurnat-Thoma, E., El-Banna, M.M, Oakcrum, M & Tyroler, J. (ahead of print Feb 2017; June 2017). Nurses’ Health Promoting Lifestyle Behaviors in a Community Hospital, Applied Nursing Research, 35, 77–81.
  • El-Banna, M.M, Tebbenhoff, B., Whitlow, M., & Wyche, K. (ahead of print May; Nov 2017). Motivated Strategies for Learning in Accelerated Second Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students. Nursing Educator, 42(6), 308-312. 
  • Athey, E., Leslie, M., Briggs, L., Park, J., Falk, N.L., Pericak, A., El-Banna, M.M, & Greene, J. (2016). How Important are Autonomy and Work Setting to Nurse Practitioners’ Job Satisfaction? Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP), 28(6), 320-326.
  • El-Banna, M.M, & Lang, C. (2016). Global Nursing: Primary Health Perspective in Caring for Populations.  In Lewenson, S. and Truglio-Londrigan, M.(Eds), Practicing Primary Health Care in Nursing: Caring for Populations, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, Massachusetts, (ISBN- 13: 9781284078107).
  • El-Banna, M.M, Briggs, L., Leslie, M., Athey, E., Pericak, A., Falk, N.L., & Greene, J. (2015). Does Prior RN Clinical Experience Predict Academic Success in Graduate Nurse Practitioner Programs?  Journal of Nursing Education. 54(5), 276-280.
  • Ryan, S.A. & El-Banna, M.M. (2007). Leadership Alliances and Diverse Relationships.  In Weinstein S., & Brooks A., (Eds), Nursing Without Borders, Sigma Theta Tau International; Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
  • El-Banna, M.M, Berger, A., Farr, L., Martha, F., Friesth, B., & Shreiner, E., (2004). Fatigue and Depression in Patients with Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation. Oncology Nursing Forum, 31(5), 937-944.
  • Buchanan, L., El-Banna, M.M, White, A., Moses, S., Siedlik, C., & Wood, M. (2004). An Exploratory Study of Multicomponent Treatment Intervention for Tobacco Dependency. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 36 (4), 324-330.
  • QM-Certified Peer Reviewer - Higher Education (2021)
  • American Nurse Educator Fellow (2020)
  • The George Washington University Bender Teaching Award (2018)
  • Virginia Nurses Foundation, Nurse Educator Leadership Excellence Award (Finalist, 2017)
  • The George Washington University School of Nursing Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award (2017)
  • University of Jordan, Center for Women’s Studies Women Leaders in Academia at Jordanian Universities Award (2007)
  • Oncology Nursing Society Excellence in Cancer Nursing Research Award (2004)
  • Developing and assessing the impact of a growth mindset game-like eLearning module on students’ math self-efficacy and medication calculation.
  • Learning outcomes, learning perception, and satisfaction in blended and traditional classroom.
  • Impact of postgraduate education programs on nurse practitioners’ perceived competence.
  • Educational Research