Featured Research Faculty: Melissa Batchelor

Melissa Batchelor headshot

Melissa Batchelor


Director, Center for Aging, Health and Humanities

Professor (Tenured)

What research are you working on now?

I am working to fill two gaps in my program of research: (1) physical assessment of resident neuropathological impairment compared to existing administrative data, and (2) the impact of NOSH [Nurses Optimizing Supportive Handfeeding], (delivered by Research Assistants) compared to usual care (delivered by Nursing Home [NH] staff) on resident meal intake.

Why is this work important?

The ability to eat independently is the last activity of daily living impacted by the progression of neuropathological impairments in dementia including varying degrees of sensory, cognitive, and functional impairments. These impairments lead to increased reliance on NH staff to provide support to maintain food intake and can result in unintended excess disability.  There is sparse research focused on feeding assistance strategies that adapt care to match fluctuations in resident ability, providing support while promoting resident self-feeding ability. 

What are the potential policy implications of your work?

NOSH is an innovative adaptive feeding assistance strategy that tailors to resident ability. A tailored, adaptive feeding assistance strategy has the potential to prevent unintended accelerated disability, improve quality of life and significantly reduce healthcare costs.

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