Suzan Ulrich

Suzan Ulrich
Dr. P.H., M.S.N., M.N., CNM, FACNM
Director, Midwifery Education
Associate Professor
Suzan Ulrich has been a midwife since 1983 and an educator of nurses and midwives for over 40 years. She served as the Dean of Nursing and Respiratory Care at Saint Catherine University in Saint Paul Minnesota from 2013 to 2018. She was at Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky for 13 years as a faculty member and then Associate Dean for Midwifery and Women’s Health. She was the Director of the North Shore Birth Center in Beverly Massachusetts from 1991 until 2000 and presided over an expansion of the facility as well as an increase in the number of births. She was inducted into the Fellowship of the ACNM in 2008. Suzan is an Alumna of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Executive Nurse Fellows Cohort 2012 and currently serves on the board of directors of NurseTRUST, the alumni association of the executive nurse fellows.
- University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health – DrPH, Health Services Administration (1991)
- Georgetown University School of Nursing – MSN, Midwifery (1983)
- University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing – MN, Maternity Nursing (1979)
- Duquesne University – BSN, Nursing (1976)
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Ulrich, S. (2022). Scaling the Strong Start birth centers: Promoting equitable maternity outcomes. American Journal of Public Health, May 2022, 112(5). 712-715.
- Skelly, C. L. & Ulrich, S. (2014). Enhanced informed choice for genetic screening: A pilot study. Nursing and Health, 2 (6), 126-130. doi: 10.13189/nh.2014.020604
- Smolowitz, J., Speakman, E., Wojnar, D., Whelan, E., Ulrich, S., Hayes, C., Wood, L. (2014). Role of the registered nurse in primary health care: Meeting health care needs in the 21st century. Nursing Outlook, 2014 Aug 15. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2014.08.004
- Ulrich, S. (2009). Applicants to a nurse-midwifery education program disclose factors that influence their career choice. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 54 (2), 127-132.
- Hunter, L. P., Diegmann, E., Dyer, J. M., Mettler, G. G., Petersen, B. A., Ulrich, S. C., Agan, D. L. (2007). Do it my way! Midwifery students’ perceptions of negative clinical experiences and negative characteristics of clinical preceptors. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice, 6 (1). 19-37.
- Ulrich, S. (2004). First birth stories of student midwives: Keys to professional affective socialization. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 49 (5). 390-397.
- Ulrich, S. (1994). Revisiting an “old” solution to the high costs of maternity care. Medical Interface, 7 (10). 106-118.
- Ulrich, S. (1982). Psychological work of a secundigravida in relation to acceptance of her baby. Maternal-Child Nursing Journal, 11 (1). 1-9.
- Barta, D. C., Moore, S., Ulrich, S. (1975). Collegopoly: Role the dice…Take an opportunity. Student Activities Programming, 8 (4).
Book Chapters
- Ulrich, S. (2019). The Safe Motherhood Quilt Project. In Anderson, B. A., & Roberts, L. R. The maternal health crisis in America: Nursing implications for advocacy and practice. New York: Springer.
- Rooks, J. P., & Ulrich, S. (2016) Safety, Risks and Benefits of Giving Birth at Home. In Anderson, B., Rooks, J. P., & Buroso, R. Best practices in midwifery: Using the evidence to implement change. New York: Springer.
- Ulrich, S., & Nicholson, T. (2013). Home Birth: Evidence and Controversy. In Anderson, B., & Stone, S., Editor (Eds.), Best practices in midwifery: Using the evidence to implement change. New York: Springer. AJN Book of the Year 2013, Second Place in the Maternal Child Nursing/Childbirth category.
- Ulrich, S., Arthur, R., Marfell, J. (2013). Outcome Measurement in Nurse-Midwifery Practice, Third edition. In Kleinpell, R. M., Editor (Ed.), Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing. New York: Springer. AJN Book of the Year 2013, First Place in the Advanced Practice Nursing category.
- Arthur, R., Marfell, J., Ulrich, S. (2009). Outcome Measurement in Nurse-Midwifery Practice, Second edition. In Kleinpell, R. M., Editor (Ed.), Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing. New York: Springer. AJN Book of the Year 2009, First Place in the Advanced Practice Nursing category.
- Ulrich, S. (2006). An induction, an epidural, a baby, in Chapter ten: Birth stories from the other side of the stirrups. Camann, W. & Alexander, K. J. Easy labor: Every woman’s guide to choosing less pain and more joy during childbirth. New York: Ballantine Books.
Book Reviews
- Ulrich, S. (2024). [Review of the book The curriculum of the body and the school as clinic: Histories of public health and schooling]. Doody’s Review Service.
- Ulrich, S. (2022). [Review of the book Community and public health nursing: Promoting the public’s health]. Doody’s Review Service.
- Ulrich, S. (2021). [Review of the book Birthing models on the human rights frontier: Speaking truth to power]. Doody’s Review Service.
- Anderson, B. A. & Roberts, L. R. Editors (2019). The maternal health crisis in America: Nursing implications for advocacy and practice. New York: Springer. Reviewed two chapters.
- Ulrich, S. (2019). [Review of the book Population-based public health clinical manual: The Henry Street Model for nurses, 3rd edition.] Doody’s Review Service.
- Ulrich, S. (2007). [Review of the book An administrative manual for midwifery practice 3rd edition.] Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 52 (5). 527.
- Ulrich, S. (2003). [Review of the book Motherhood Lost]. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 49 (4). 371-372.
- Ulrich, S. (2004). [Review of the book Dr. Guttmacher’s pregnancy, birth & family planning]. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 49 (1). e1.
- Conway, A., Ulrich, S. (1987). [Review of the book Obstetrics: Normal and problem pregnancies]. Maternal-Child Nursing Journal, 16 (1). 89.
Presentations Invited
- Ulrich, S. (3/2023). Public Health Career Panel: Women working in the field of public health. 6th Annual Conference Women in Science. Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL.
Presentations Referred
- Ulrich, S., Hemphill, T., & Braiffe, S. (11/9/2024). Revitalizing midwifery precepting: Building bridges, enhancing skills, & reigniting passion. 2024 American Association of Birth Centers Birth Institute: Bridging gaps, crafting journeys, uniting birth centers nationwide, Minneapolis, MN.
- Ulrich, S., Jan, R., Quigley, P., Chaudhry, S. (5/24/2021). The story of the re-birth of midwifery in Afghanistan: The Razia Jan Institute. 66th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (virtual).
- Ulrich, S. (5/21/2019). The lives of black mothers should matter! American College of Nurse-Midwives 64th Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD.
- Palmer, A. K., Villella, K., Calhoun, T. L., & Ulrich, S. (2018). Vignette on a primary care registered nurse. Imprint, 65 (3). 32-35.
- Ulrich, S. (2008). Preceptor Pearls. AABC News, 10 (1). 6, 10, 12.
- Georgetown University Hoya Changemakers, 50th Anniversary of the Georgetown University’s Midwifery Education Program 2023
- 2The 2020 Pinnacle Nurse Leader Award, Power of Nursing Leadership, University of Illinois-Chicago
- Dorothea M. Lang Pioneer Award, American College of Nurse-Midwives Foundation 2015
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Executive Nurse Fellows Alumni, 2012 Cohort