Y. Tony Yang
Y. Tony Yang
Sc.D., LL.M., M.P.H.
Associate Dean, Health Policy and Population Science
Endowed Professor in Health Policy (Tenured)
Y. Tony Yang, ScD, LLM, MPH is an endowed professor (with tenure) in Health Policy and the Associate Dean for Health Policy and Population Science at the George Washington University School of Nursing. He also holds a joint appointment at the Milken Institute School of Public Health in the Department of Health Policy and Management. In addition, he serves as a Program Lead for Cancer Control and Health Equity at the GW Cancer Center and is an affiliated faculty member with the District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR), Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health, Global Food Institute, Trustworthy AI Initiative, Climate and Health Institute, and the Institute for Data, Democracy & Politics.
Dr. Yang’s scholarship focuses on the impact of law and policy on healthcare delivery and population health outcomes. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was an FDA Regulatory Science Fellow (jointly organized by the National Academy of Medicine), and an AcademyHealth Health Policy Fellow (jointly organized by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics). His academic contributions include over 170 peer-reviewed articles, with first-authored work featured in leading journals across multiple disciplines such as New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The Lancet, Lancet Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology, JAMA Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Health Affairs, Milbank Quarterly, Medical Care, American Journal of Public Health, Public Health Reports, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, and Food and Drug Law Journal.
Dr. Yang is the lead author of Vaccine Law and Policy (Springer, 2023) and the sole author of Achieving Health Equity: The Role of Law and Policy (Wiley, 2024). His work has garnered significant media coverage in outlets such as CNN, Fox News, NPR, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, LA Times, and USA Today.
Dr. Yang has received numerous accolades, including the Early Career Award for Excellence from the American Public Health Association and recognition as a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice. He has been awarded over $7 million in federal research grants as principal investigator, including an active 4-year R01 grant from the NIH National Cancer Institute. He has also led projects funded by prestigious foundations such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Policy for Action, Interdisciplinary Research Leaders, and Public Health Law Research programs.
Dr. Yang is actively engaged in public health and policy. He is a member of the World Health Organization's Technical Advisory Group on clinical and policy considerations for new tuberculosis (TB) vaccines. He also serves on the AcademyHealth Education Council and the Board of Directors for the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Dr. Yang holds graduate degrees in Public Health (Harvard), Health Policy and Management (Harvard), and Law (University of Pennsylvania).
- Harvard University, Doctor of Science in Health Policy and Management
- Harvard University, Master of Public Health
- University of Pennsylvania, Master of Laws
- Y. Tony Yang, Socal, M. P., & Bennett, C. L. (2024). Addressing the Drug-Shortage Crisis in Oncology. JAMA Oncology. doi.org/10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.5722
- Yang YT, Olick RS, Shaw J. Religious Exemptions, Public Health, and School Vaccination Requirements JAMA Pediatr. 2023. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.
2023.3075 - Yang YT, Shaw J. Sudden infant death syndrome, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and vaccines: Longitudinal population analyses. Vaccine 2018;36(5):595-598.
- Delamater P, Leslie T, Yang YT. Change in medical exemptions from immunization in California after elimination of personal belief exemptions. JAMA 2017;318(9):863-864.
- Yang YT, Sumimasa N, Chen B et al. Generic oncology drugs in developed and developing countries: are they all safe? Lancet Oncology 2016;17(11):e493-e501.
- Yang YT, Larochelle M, Haffajee RL. Managing Increasing Liability Risks Related to Opioid Prescribing. American Journal of Medicine 2016;130(3):249-250.
- Delamater P, Leslie T, Yang YT. A spatiotemporal analysis of non-medical exemptions from vaccination: California schools before and after SB277. Social Science & Medicine 2016;168:230-238.
- Chen B, Yang YT, Bian Q, Cheng X, Bennett CL Petitioning the FDA to Improve Pharmaceutical, Device and Public Health Safety by Ordinary Citizens: A Descriptive Analysis. PLoS One 2016;11(5):e0155259.
- Yang YT, Attanasio L, Kozhimannil KB. State Scope of Practice Laws, Nurse-Midwifery Workforce, and Childbirth Procedures and Outcomes Women's Health Issues 2016 pii: S1049-3867(16)00025-6.
- Delamater P, Leslie T, Yang YT. SB277's "Grandfather Clause" and Nonmedical Vaccine Exemptions in California, 2015-2022 JAMA Pediatrics 2016;170(6):619-20.
- Yang YT, Delamater P, Leslie T, Mello MM. Sociodemographic Predictors of Vaccination Exemptions Based on Personal Belief in California. Am J Public Health 2016;106(1):172-7.
- Yang YT, Silverman RD. Social Distancing and the Unvaccinated. New England Journal of Medicine. 2015;372(16):1481-1483.
- Yang YT, Silverman RD. Legislative Prescriptions for Controlling Non-medical Vaccine Exemptions. JAMA 2015;313(3):247-248.
- Yang YT, Pomeranz JL. States Variations in the Provision of Bariatric Surgery under Affordable Care Act Exchanges. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 2015;11(3):715-720.
- Pomeranz JL, Yang YT. The Affordable Care Act and State Coverage of Clinical Preventive Health Services for Working-age Adults. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2015;21(1):87-95.
- Yang YT, Debold V. A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Non-medical Exemption Law and Vaccine Uptake on Vaccine-Targeted Disease Rates. Am J Public Health 2014;104(2):371-377.
- Yang YT, Silverman RD. Mobile Health Applications: The Patchwork Of Legal And Liability Issues Suggests Strategies To Improve Oversight. Health Affairs 2014;33(2):222-227.
- Yang YT, Chen B. Legal Considerations for Social Media Marketing by Pharmaceutical Industry. Food and Drug Law Journal 2014;68(1):39-51.
- Yang YT, Studdert DS, Subramanian SV, Mello MM. Does Tort Law Improve the Health of Newborns, or Miscarry? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Liability Pressure on Birth Outcomes. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2012;9(2):217–245
- Yang YT, Mello MM, Subramanian SV, Studdert DS. Relationship between malpractice litigation pressure and rates of cesarean section and vaginal birth after cesarean section. Medical Care 2009;47(2):234-242.
- Yang YT, Studdert DS, Subramanian SV, Mello MM. A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Liability Pressure on the Supply of Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2008;5(1):21–53.
- Studdert DS, Yang YT, Mello MM. Are Damages Caps Regressive? A Study of Malpractice Jury Verdicts in California, Health Affairs, 2004; 23:54-67.
- Regulatory Science Fellow — Food and Drug Administration and the National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) (2017-2018)
- Early Career Award for Excellence — American Public Health Association (2015)
- Health Policy Fellow, CDC — National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Academy Health (2009-2010)
- Health Care Disparities
- Health Policy
- Immunization / Vaccines
- Maternal / Child Health
- Tobacco Cessation