Daisy Le

Daisy Le headshot

Daisy Le

Ph.D., M.P.H., M.A.

Associate Professor (Tenured)


Email: Daisy Le
Office Phone: 202-994-1745
1919 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 500, 529 Washington DC 20006

Daisy Le is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Policy, Populations, and Systems department. She is a social scientist in behavioral and community health specializing in community-engaged cancer prevention and health disparities research. Dr. Le received her doctorate from the University of Maryland and recently completed her postdoctoral fellowship with the department of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Le teaches and conducts research in the general areas of multicultural studies and health promotion and communication. Her specific focuses are on sociocultural determinants of health and community-based/-engaged approaches across the cancer continuum that target minority, low-income, and underserved populations using mobile health technology. She has authored several peer-reviewed publications and her health disparities and cancer research have previously been supported by the American Cancer Society, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Cancer Institute. At present, Dr. Le is the PI of the mySHARE (self-sampling HPV awareness, results, and empowerment) mixed-methods study that aims to assess the acceptability, feasibility, and perceived effectiveness of promoting HPV self-sampling to increase cervical cancer screening among women living with HIV (WLHIV) from the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area (WBMA).


  • Wallington, S.F., Jeon, M.J., Nguyen, T.A., Byambaa, C., Yang, Y.T., & Le, D. (2022). Perceptions and patient care needs among hepatitis B patients during COVID-19. BMC Health Services Research, 22. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-08153-5.
  • Le, D., Jeon, M.J., Ciceron, A.C., Yang, Y.T., Pan, J., Juon, H.S., & Wallington, S.F. (2022). Process evaluation of an academic-community-government partnership to reduce liver diseases attributable to hepatitis B virus. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 707. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-08062-7. PMID: 35619128. PMCID: PMC9135310.
  • Ciceron, A.C., Jeon, M.J., Monroe, A.K., Clausen, M.E., Magnus, M., & Le, D. (2022). HPV knowledge, screening barriers and facilitators, and sources of health information among women living with HIV: Perspectives from the DC community. BMC Women’s Health, 22, 110. DOI: 10.1186/s12905-022-01689-y. PMID: 35397535. PMCID: PMC8994173.
  • Le, D., Ozbeki, H., Salazar, S., Berl, M., Turner, M.M., & Price, O.A. (2022). Improving African American women’s engagement in clinical research: A systematic review of barriers to clinical trials. Journal of the National Medical Association, 114(3), 324-339. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnma.2022.02.004. PMID: 35279325. PMCID: PMC1782415.
  • Hong, A.Y., Yee, S., Bagchi, P., Juon, H.S., Kim, S., & Le, D. (2022). Social media-based intervention to promote HBV screening and liver cancer prevention among Korean Americans: Results of a pilot study. Digital Health, 8(Jan-Dec), 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/20552076221076257. PMID: 35140979. PMCID: PMC8819816.
  • Le, D., Ciceron, A.C., Jeon, M.J., Gonzalez, L.I., Jordan, J.A., Bordon, J., & Long, B. (2022). Cervical cancer prevention and high-risk HPV self-sampling awareness and acceptability among women living with HIV: A qualitative investigation from the patients’ and providers’ perspectives. Current Oncology, 29(2), 516-533. DOI: 10.3390/curroncol29020047. PMID: 352005547. PMCID: PMC8870184.
  • Le, D., Ciceron, A.C., Pan, J., Juon, H.S., Berg, C.J., Nguyen, A., Le, H.C., & Yang, Y.T. (2022). Linkage-to-care following community-based HBV and HCV screening among immigrants from the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area, 2016-2019. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01327-7. PMID: 35064900. PMCID: PMC8783186.
  • Krishnan, N., Abroms, L.C., Robien, K., Le, D., Yang, Y.T., & Aduli, F. (2021). Characteristics of incident liver cancer cases in the District of Columbia metropolitan area. Cancer Health Disparities (online first). DOI: 10.9777/chd.2021.1005.
  • Le, D., D’Souza, G., Atnafou, R., & Moran, M.B. (2021). Perceived barriers to and recommendations for cessation among polytobacco-using young adults. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 8(6), 488-502. DOI: 10.14485/HBPR.8.6.1.
  • Le, D., Hong, A.Y., Hui, S.K., Rimal, R.N, & Juon, H.S. (2021). Assessment of hepatitis B virus screening behaviors among Asian-Americans through the lens of social cognitive theory. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 19(1), 76-83. DOI: 10.32398/cjhp.v19i1.2652. PMID: 34566536. PMCID: PMC8462827.
  • Chen-Sankey, J.C., Mead-Morse, E.L., Le, D., Rose, S.W., Quisenberry, A.J, Delnevo, C.D., & Choi, K. (2021). Cigar smoking patterns by race/ethnicity and cigar type: A nationally representative survey among U.S. adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 60(1), 87-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.07.005. PMID: 33341182. PMCID: PMC7755027.
  • Windon, M.J., Le, D., D’Souza, G., Bigelow, E., Pitman, K., Boss, E., Eisele, D.W., & Fakhry, C. (2021). Treatment decision-making among patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer: A qualitative study. Oral Oncology, 112, 105044. DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2020.105044. PMID: 33130545. PMCID: PMC8556673.
  • Berg, C.J., Duan, X., Romm, K.F., Pulvers, K., Le, D., Ma, Y., Krishnan, N., Abroms, L.C., Getachew, B., & Henriksen, L. (2021). Young adults’ vaping, readiness to quit, and recent quit attempts: The role of co-use with cigarettes and marijuana. Nicotine Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 23(6), 1019-1029. DOI: 10.1093/NTR/ntaa265. PMID: 33331889. PMCID: PMC8628650.
  • Le, D., Moran, M.B., Atnafou, R., Matson, P.A., Jones, M.R., & D’Souza, G. (2019). E-cigarette use, tobacco product polyuse, and motivations for use among Baltimore young adults. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 6(5), 427-437. DOI: 10.14485/HBPR.6.5.2. PMID: 32490030. PMCID: PMC7266135.
  • Le, D., D’Souza, G., Atnafou, R., Matson, P., Jones, M.R., & Moran, M.B. (2018). “It felt like I was smoking nothing”: Examining e-cigarette perception and discontinuation among young adults. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 5(6), 50-55. DOI: 10.14485/HBPR.5.6.4.
  • Le, D. & Holt, C.L. (2018). CervixCheck: A spiritually-based text messaging intervention to promote cervical cancer awareness and Pap test screening intention among African American women. Journal of Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2018.1528317. PMID: 30300091.
  • Le, D., Aldoory, L., Garza, M.A., Fryer, C.S., Sawyer, R., & Holt, C.L. (2018). A spiritually-based SMS text messaging program to increase cervical cancer awareness among African American women: Design and development of the CervixCheck pilot study. JMIR Formative Research, 2(1), e5. DOI: 10.2196/formative.8112.
  • Holt, C.L., Le, D., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Saunders, D.R., Williams, R., Atkinson, N.L., & Naslund, M. (2017). Can women facilitate men’s prostate informed decision-making? The M-PACT trial. Journal of Health Communication, 22(12), 964-973. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2017.1382616. PMID: 29173037.
  • Park, C.L., Holt, C.L., Le, D., Christie, J., & Williams, B.R. (2017). Positive and negative religious coping styles as prospective predictors of well-being in African Americans. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 10(1), 55-62. DOI: 10.1037/rel0000124.
  • Jung, M.Y., Holt, C.L., Ng, D., Sim, H.J., Lu, X.X., Le, D., Juon, H.S., Li, J., & Lee, S. (2017). The Chinese and Korean American immigrant experience: A mixed-methods examination of facilitators and barriers of colorectal cancer screening. Ethnicity and Health, 25, 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/13557858.2017.1296559. PMID: 28277021.
  • Lu, X.X., Holt, C.L., Chen, J.C., Le, D., Chen, J.J., Kim, G.Y., Li, J., & Lee, S. (2016). Is colorectal cancer a Western disease? Role of knowledge and influence of misconception on colorectal cancer screening among Chinese and Korean Americans: A mixed methods study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17(11), 4885-4892-192. DOI: 10.22034/APJCP.2016.17.11.4885. PMID: 28032491.
  • Le, D., Holt, C.L., Hosack, D.P., Huang, J., & Clark, E.M. (2015). Religious participation is associated with increases in religious social support in a national longitudinal study of African Americans. Journal of Religion and Health, 55(4), 1449-1460. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-015-0143-1. PMID: 26493343.
  • Williams, B.R., Holt, C.L., Le, D., & Schulz, E. (2015). Characterizing change in religious and spiritual identity among a national sample of African American adult. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 27(4), 343-357. DOI: 10.1080/15528030.2015.1073208. PMID: 27103881.
  • Le, D., Holt, C.L., Saunders, D.R., Wang, M.Q., Coriolan, A.R., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., & Atkinson, N.L. (2015). Feasibility and acceptability of SMS text messaging in a prostate cancer educational intervention for African American men. Health Informatics Journal, 22(4), 932-947. DOI: 10.1177/1460458215598636. PMID: 26324051.
  • Saunders, D.R., Holt, C.L., Le, D., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Savoy, A., Williams, R., Whitehead, T.L., Wang, M.Q., & Naslund, M. (2015). Recruitment and participation of African American men in church-based health promotion workshops. Journal of Community Health, 40(6), 1300-1310. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-015-0054-9. PMID: 26089253.
  • Holt, C.L., Le, D., Calvinelli, J., Huang, J., Clark, E.M., Roth, D.L., Williams, B., & Schulz, E. (2015). Participant retention in a longitudinal national telephone survey of African American men and women. Ethnicity & Disease, 25(2), 187-192. PMID: 26118147.
  • Holt, C.L., Le, D., Saunders, D.R., Wang, M.Q., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Williams, R., Atkinson, N.L., Whitehead, T.L., & Naslund, M. (2014). Informed decision-making and satisfaction with a church-based men’s health workshop series for African American men: Men-only vs. mixed-gender format. Journal of Cancer Education, 30(3), 530-534. DOI: 10.1007/s13187-014-0731-x. PMID: 25330866.
  • Le, D., Holt, C.L., Pisu, M., Brown-Galvan, A., Fairley, T.L., Smith, J.L., White, A., Hall, I.J., Oster, R.A., & Martin, M.Y. (2014). The role of social support in post-treatment surveillance among African American colorectal cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 32(3), 245-263. DOI: 10.1080/07347332.2014.897293. PMID: 24611486.
  • Zebrak, K., Le, D., Boekeloo, B., & Wang, M.Q. (2013). Predictors of intent to pursue a college health science education among high achieving minority 10th graders. Current Issues In Education, 16(2).
  • Saunders, D.R., Holt, C.L., Whitehead, T.L., Atkinson, N.L., Le, D., Wang, M.Q., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Williams, R., Schulz, E. & Naslund, M. (2013). Development of the Men's Prostate Awareness Church Training: Church-based workshops for African American men. Family & Community Health, 36(3), 224-235. DOI: 10.1097/FCH.0b013e318292eb40. PMID: 23718958.
  • Manglona, R.D., Robert, S., Isaacson, L.S.N., Garrido, M., Henrich, F.B., Santos, L.S., Le, D., & Peters, R. (2010). Promoting breast cancer screening through storytelling by Chamorro cancer survivors. California Journal of Health Promotion, 8 (Special Issue) (Cancer Control), 90–95.
  • University of Maryland, College Park – PhD in Behavioral and Community Health (2016)
  • University of California, Los Angeles – Master of Public Health in Community Health Sciences (2010)
  • University of California, Los Angeles – Master of Art in Asian American Studies (2010)
  • University of California, Los Angeles – Bachelor of Art in Sociology (2007)
  • University of California, Los Angeles – Bachelor of Art in Asian American Studies (2007)
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Community Health
  • Diversity
  • Health Care Disparities
  • Health Policy
  • Immunization / Vaccines
  • Implementation Science
  • Infectious Disease
  • Informatics
  • Maternal / Child Health
  • Mental Health
  • Oncology
  • Other
  • School / College Health Center
  • Sexual Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Substance Abuse and Addictions
  • Telemedicine
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Wellness Initiatives
  • Women's Health
  • Focus
  • Individualization
  • Relator
  • Competition
  • Achiever